Noble Life of The Last Prophet & Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Part 2
*(Religion & State A Selection from-the Biography of the Prophet)*
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Noble Life of The Last Prophet & Messenger of Allah Muhammad-Religion & State A Selection from-the Biography of the Prophet
Forbidden Prophecies
The Last Messengers
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (peace and salvation of Allah-be upon him), the rights and values-and the treatment of the problems of-the contemporary world
Selected events from the life of the prophet muhammad
If They Know You
A Global Religion
Ebook Muhammad Pocket Guide
The Prophet Personality
The Prophets Noble Character
The Promise Prophet in the Bible
Muhammad Messenger of Allah
Who Is Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad You Should Know This Man
What The Bible Say About Muhammad
Muhammad the Natural Successor to Christ
Have You Discovered the Truth About Him
Have You Discovered Its Real Beauty
Muhammad the Messenger of Allah His Lineage, Childhood and Prophethood
The Prophet’s Manners with those Around Him
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Truly Is the Prophet of Allah
The Global Messengers
Have You Discovered the Truth about Him
The Concise Introduction of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, His Call, Luminous Images from His Bright Life, and Evidence from the Proofs of His Prophethood and Message
Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), the Prophet of Mercy
The Final Messengers
Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah
The Last Prophet
A Concise Biography of the Prophet and His Special Traits
Muhammad Pocket Guide
Provisions for the Hereafter (Zaad Al-Ma’ad)
The Manifest Truth in Defense of the Most Trustworthy One
A Biography of the Best Man in Creation
The Civilized Principles in the Prophet’s Biography
Signs & Miracles of the Messenger
The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
A Mercy to a Universe
The Prophet’s Manners with those Around Him
Muhammad`s Prohethood Reality or Myth
A Message to who does not believe in Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him
The Civilized Principles in the Prophet’s Biography
The Lies about Muhammad
Fallacies and Misconceptions about the Messenger’s Marriages (Peace Be upon Him)
Muhammad Messenger of Allah
Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) Sayings and Teachings
Muhammad Who is He?
Why do we Study the Prophet’s Biography
Cultural Values in the Message of Prophet Muhammad
What Muhammad  Can Offer The West
The Needs Of Humanity In The Mission Of Prophet Muhammad
Why Did Prophet Muhammad Marry Aisha the Young Girl?
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) In The Bible
Muhammad in the Bible
Prophet Muhammad: The Glad Tidings of Jesus
The Promised Prophet of the Bible
Prophet Muhammad the last Messenger in the Bible
Bible Prophecies of Muhammad
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) In The Bible
Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) in the Torah and Gospel
Predictions about the Last Prophet
A Letter from the Adherents of the Sunnah of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad to the Shia
Pre-Islamic Arabia
Prophet Muhammad’s mission was like a lamp that shone its light far and wide, overcoming darkness and spreading faith, truth, justice, and knowledge to the people. For this reason, Pre-Islamic Arabia is known as the period of jahiliyyah, i.e., ignorance. Islam is a blessing for all of mankind, but since it began in Arabia, it played quite a revolutionary role in the advancement of the region and people. To really understand this, we must look at Pre-Islamic Arabian society from all angles – for Islam is not simply a religion of ritual acts of worship, rather it is a complete way of life: manners, social customs, and interaction with others are all part of Islam
Because the bulk of the seerah takes place in the Arabian Peninsula, it-makes sense to familiarize ourselves with the environment that Islam was first introduced to. Geographically, the Arabs were surrounded by ocean from three sides: east, west, and south. In the center of the peninsula lies a huge desert, with very limited water and resources, and small pockets of civilization scattered throughout its vast land, usually built around oases. The southernmost region of the peninsula is more arable and has a relatively moderate climate surrounded by mountains, in present-day Yemen and Oman
Most of the Arabs were polytheists, i.e., they believed in more than one god. They were pagans, for they worshipped various idols in different well-known religious centers throughout Arabia, often travelling to these centers to perform various rituals and offer sacrifices. They would supplicate to their idols – each tribe or region according to their own tradition – asking them for strength and blessings in life. No region of Arabia was free of idol-worship, not even Makkah, the original home of monotheism.
Some Jewish tribes lived in Arabia, mainly in a region that was called Yathrib, in present-day Madinah. There were also some Jews living in Khaybar, Tayma, Fadak, and Wadi al-Qura. Together, they formed a relatively sizable minority in Arabia.
Another minority living in Arabia at the time were people known as Mawali. They were non-Arabs who, for one reason or another, settled mainly in the main cities of Arabia.
Christianity was present in some Arab tribes, concentrated mostly in-the region of Najran(Muhammad bin Auz Al-Utaibi Najran in the era of the Prophet and Rightly Guided Caliphs) Although it is one of the three Abrahamic faiths, and has monotheistic origins, it had been changed over time, to the extent that it was polytheistic. Not unlike other Christians throughout the world, the Arab Christians were divided into sects. Some worshipped Jesus the son of Mary, considering him to be God, while others believed he was the son of God. They also sanctified their clergymen and considered their commands and prohibitions to be law, which, as you can imagine, opened the door to many distortions and reinterpretations over the centuries.
The Arab Christians were known for having more knowledge and culture than the rest of the Arab groups, for they were in constant contact with Levantine Arabs, Iraqis, and Europeans, and this exchange of culture had a positive effect on them.
We will see each of these groups and their interaction with the Muslims as we traverse the story of the seerah in the coming chapters
Arab society was somewhat paradoxical in the sense that it was heavily influenced by religion, yet drinking alcohol, gambling, and dealing in usury were all deeply intertwined in the culture. Fornication was common, although it was considered beneath a free woman to engage in it. Arabs treated their women unfairly; they much preferred to have sons, and would deny their daughters a share of inheritance. Men could marry as many women as they liked, with no limit to how many wives one can have at a time. Rarely, women had multiple husbands as well. In some traditions, a son would inherit his father’s wife upon his death, and it was not prohibited for a man to be married to two sisters or relatives. (Jawad Ali, Al-Mufazzal fee Tareekh al-Arab:38)
There were, of course, some good aspects of Arab culture before Islam, such as their insistence on honoring guests, their bravery, and their skill in horsemanship. Arabs were also known for their wit and intellect, and their love of freedom. (Baloogh al- Irab:2/4).
The Arabic language is very beautiful and poetic, and indeed Arab societies– with their differing dialects – celebrated their poets and eloquent speakers. (Shauqi Zaif, Al-Adabul-Arabi:123)
It is from this angle that the miraculous eloquence of the Qur’an really shines. The best speakers in all the different tribes could not ignore the fact that the language used in the Qur’an was not something a regular person could produce. Even though Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was an eloquent speaker himself, it was clear that the Qur’an was not his words
Allah challenges the disbelievers to produce something like the Qur’an: “Or they say, “He (Prophet Muhammad) forged it (the Qur’an).” Say: “Bring you then ten forged chapters like unto it, and call whomsoever you can, other than Allah (to your help), if you speak the truth!” (Surah Hud: 13).
Do the idolaters say that Muhammad made up the Qur’an, and that it is not revelation from Allah? Allah tells the Messenger (peace and blessing be upon him) to challenge them to write ten similar surahs themselves like the Qur’an, and to call upon whomever they could call upon to help them to do this, if they were telling the truth in claiming that the Qur’an was fabricated.
If they do not bring what the Messenger challenges them to – and they are unable to do it! – then the believers should know with certainty that the Qur’an is revealed from Allah by His knowledge to His Messenger, and that it is not fabricated, and that there is no true god except for Him. Allah asks whether you surrender to Him in devotion after these conclusive proofs? (Hud:13-14)
Or do these idolaters say that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) came up with the Qur’an himself claiming that it is from Allah? Say to them O Messenger, ‘If I as a human being like you, have been able to come up with it, then you also should bring a chapter like it, and call upon whomever you wish to assist you, if you are telling the truth in claiming that the Qur’an is not really from Allah. But you have not be able to do so, even though you are talented and eloquent in the language — showing you that the Qur’an has been revealed by Allah.
Yet the disbelievers do not respond to these challenges, but reject the Qur’an before even thinking about it, without understanding it, and the punishment about which they have been warned has not yet come to them, although it is near!. In the same way, past communities rejected the truth, and Allah sent His punishment upon them. So reflect upon the end of these communities who rejected the truth, because the were destroyed by Allah. (Yunus:38-39)
Allah challenges those who have any doubt about the Qur’an revealed to His servant,Muhammad (peace be upon him), to produce a chapter just like it, and to call their helpers, if they are truthful about what they say.
If they are unable to do so — and they will never be able to do it — they should be mindful of the fire of Hell, which burns with people who deserve the torment, and with the idols which they used to worship instead of Allah: punishing both the idol-worshipers and what they worshiped. The fire of Hell has been prepared as a punishment for the disbelievers. (al-Baqarah:23-24)
Say, O Messenger: If all of humankind and jinns united to bring the like of this Qur’an which was revealed to you, in its eloquence, excellent sequence and pure style, they will never be able to bring anything like it, even if they were to all assist and help one another.
And I have explained to people in this Qur’an and brought all types of advice, reminders, commands, prohibitions and stories they can take lessons from, in the hope they will believe. But most people have refused except to deny this Qur’an. (al-Isra:88-89)
Religion Outside of Arabia
Staying relevant to the seerah, we will focus on the religions that dominated the regions closest to Arabia. In general, Allah tells us the state of the people in the times of jahiliyyah in the following verse
“Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon).” (Surah arRum: 41).
Corruption has appeared in the land and sea in the lives of people by their span becoming shorter, and in their bodies by way of diseases and illnesses, due to the sins they commit. It has become apparent so that Allah may give them a taste of some of their evil deeds in the worldly life, perhaps they repent to Him. (Ar-Rum:41)
As we mentioned before, religion was the biggest influence in the daily lives of people in that era. We will begin by discussing the two Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Christianity. They were both known for their adherence to a heavenly Scripture, their veneration of knowledge, and their long history and culture
It started as the religion of those from the progeny of Ya`qub (i.e. Isra’eel) who followed Musa peace be upon him, to whom the Torah was revealed. They were upon the Truth from Allah, and He sent them many prophets at different times.
Over time, the followers of Judaism became corrupted, for they altered the Torah and began to murder the Prophets that were sent to them.
They went against the advice of their earlier Prophets and disrespected their Lord. They sanctified their clergymen and followed their commands even when they went against the commands of Allah.
They were closer to the Truth than the idol-worshippers, but they incurred the anger of Allah due to their disrespectful ways. In Islam, those who practice Judaism are known as People of the Book because they follow the Torah and their religion has heavenly origins.
The Jews in Pre-Islamic Arabia claimed that they were awaiting the arrival of the Prophet of the final days, so they can follow him in guidance
It is the religion of those who profess to follow Prophet `Eesa peace be upon him. It is the most common religion in the world today, but they are divided into many sects. Before Islam, Christianity was the dominant religion in the Levant, Iraq, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Eastern and Southern Europe. It was the official religion of the Roman Empire.
The Roman involvement in Christianity inserted a lot of polytheistic beliefs and traditions into the religion, which started in approximately the fourth century in the Gregorian calendar, under the rule of Constantine the Great. The monotheism of Christianity was overwritten, merged with other beliefs, especially the idea that the Messiah (i.e., Jesus, or Prophet `Eesa) was God. It escalated to the extent that whoever did not worship Jesus was considered outside of the faith according to the official views of the Church
This version of Christianity was supported militarily and politically by the-Roman Empire and their client states such as the Ghassanids and the Kingdom of Abyssinia. The various sects of Christians differ in the details of their religion, including the reality of the Messiah. Some sects declare others to be disbelievers, and they have fought each other at different points in history, such as the Roman Christians fighting the Egyptian Christians and so on.
Most of the Christians in Pre-Islamic Arabia were Jacobites. The other-prominent sect was Nestorianism, to which some of the Arabs –particularly in Iraq – and Persians ascribed. They were different than their European counterparts. In brief, the Christians in the era that immediately predated Islam had mostly embraced polytheism and strayed away from the worship of Allah alone without any partners. (Al-Mawsoah Al-Muyassarah:502,503) .
The religion of Zoroastrianism existed in various parts of the world. It incorporates elements of paganism, focusing on the divinity or sanctity of natural elements. The Zoroastrians had their own temples of worship throughout Persia, for it was the official religion of the Persian Empire. The religion spread everywhere that the empire did, even reaching some of the Arab lands, Bahrain in particular. Some Persians had settled in Bahrain and their presence had a clear effect on the locals. (Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, As-Seerah:26)
Buddhism is a religion that also incorporates elements of polytheism, including idols that represent religious figures or gods. It was and continues to be prominent in India, China, and southeast Asia.
Allah the Exalted said:
“Had there been therein (in the heavens and the earth) gods besides Allah, then verily both would have been ruined. Glorified be Allah, the Lord of the Throne, (High is He) above what they attribute to Him!” (Surah al-Anbiya’: 22)
If there were numerous gods in the heavens and the earth, they would have been ruined, due to the gods disputing in the kingdom. But the reality is not like this. So Allah, Lord of the Throne, is pure of the lie the idolaters describe Him with, namely that He has partners.
And Allah is alone in His kingdom and decree. Nobody can ask Him what He has decreed and ordered, whilst He will ask His servants about their actions and will reward them accordingly. (Al-Anbiya:22-23)
Hinduism, which similarly includes the worship multiple gods, is also prominent in the same region. (Abdul-Hasān An-Nadwi As-Seerah:27, Mahdi Rizq-ul-Allah, As-Seerah:51) .
Even though polytheism and idol-worship was rampant in the entire Arabian-peninsula, the Arabs did not have much of a mythology for their gods like other cultures did. They did not have an elaborate written record of the gods’ histories and abilities as you see in other pagan traditions. It appears that they simply worshipped these idols and false-gods out of blind following of their forefathers, accepting the claim that it would bring them closer to Allah
Allah the Exalted said: “Surely, the religion (i.e. the worship and the-obedience) is for Allah only. And those who take Auliya’ (protectors and helpers) besides Him (say):
“We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah.” Verily, Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Truly, Allah guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever.” (Surah az-Zumar: 3) .
Definitely, for Allah is the religion pure of impurities. And those who have taken friends besides Allah, such as idols which they worship besides Allah, presenting an excuse for worshipping them by saying: “We do not worship these except so that they bring us closer to Allah in status, present our needs to Him and intercede on our behalf with Him”. Allah will decide between the monotheist believers and the disbelievers who associate partners with Allah on the day of judgment regarding the oneness of Allah they used to differ in. Allah does not place guidance in the hearts of those who lie against Allah by attributing an associate with Him and who denies Allah’s favours upon him.
If Allah wanted to take a son, as the idolaters claim, and Allah is far above from what they say- He would have chosen whom He wants from His creation and taken him as a child. Pure and exalted is He from what these idolaters say. He is One in His essence, attributes and actions, having no partner in them, Subduer of all His creation. (az-Zumar:3-4)
They also rejected the concept of a resurrection. Allah the Exalted says: “And they say: “There is nothing but our life of this world, we die and we live and nothing destroys us except time. And they have no knowledge of it, they only conjecture.” (Surah al-Jathiyah: 24)
Those who commit disbelief and sins through their limbs think I will make them in reward like those who brought faith in Allah and did good deeds, making them equal in this life and the Hereafter. Wretched is this judgment of theirs.
And Allah created the heavens and earth with complete wisdom and He did not create it in vain, and so that each soul can be rewarded with the good or bad it earned. Allah will not oppress them by decreasing their good deeds or increasing their bad deeds.
O Messenger, look at the one who followed his desires and made it like his god he cannot oppose, then Allah led him astray despite his knowledge, because he deserved to be misguided, and Allah sealed his heart so he cannot listen in a manner that benefits, and Allah put a veil on his eyes which stops him from seeing the truth. So who can enable him to the truth after Allah has led him astray? Do you not remember the harm of following desires and the benefit of following Allah’s sacred law?
And the disbelievers who denied the resurrection said: “There is no life besides this worldly life of ours, so there is no life after it. Generations die never to return and other generations come to life. And only the alteration of the night and day is what makes us die’ They have no knowledge for their denial of the resurrection. They are only assuming, and assumptions are of no benefit to the truth. (Al-Jathiyah:21-24)
Politics in Pre-Islamic Arabia
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was sent primarily to call people towards tawhid, i.e., the worship of Allah alone without partners. Part of his mission was to create a community and-eventually a nation that would be based around the worship of Allah and following His commands. In order for us to properly understand what this new nation, or Ummah, was going to replace, it is important that we have an idea about the political climate in Arabia before Islam.
The Political System
There was no real, concrete system of-governance in the central regions of the Arabian Peninsula in the generations before Islam. The Arabs of the region were not, as a whole, under the rule of a king or government, nor did they consider themselves one nation, or take particular interest in codifying their rule of law.
Various kingdoms existed, however, in Yemen and elsewhere. Banu Hanifah,in northern Arabia, were at one point considered a kingdom, and the Prophet  once wrote a letter to their king, Hautha bin `Ali al-Hanafi. Similarly, another kingdom was known to have existed in Bahrain, although it was likely a client state of the Persian Empire. The Prophet ﷺ also corresponded with their king, alMunthir bin Sawa al-`Abdi, who accepted Islam, as did many of his constituents. As for central Arabia, the region that includes Makkah and Madinah, they ruled mostly by tribal laws and customs.
The Ghassanids were a Christian Arab kingdom in the Levant, a client state of the Romans. They later faced the Muslims in several notable battles, including Yarmuk.
To the south, in Yemen, kingship was the norm. However, in the time just-before the Prophetic mission, there was some involvement in the politics of the region from the Romans and even the Persians.
Neighboring Arabia was Persia, or the great Persian Empire. It was several times more advanced than the entirety of Arabia, although they were facing much internal political turmoil as the Prophetic mission began. To the north was the Roman Empire, which ruled over the Levant, Egypt,Northern Africa, and parts of Europe. Its capital was Constantinople, and the official religion was Christianity.
They are referred to in the Qur’an in the following verse: . “Alif-Lam-Mim. The Romans have been defeated In the nearer land, and they, after their defeat, will be victorious.” (Surah ar-Rum: 1-3)
Alif Lam Meem. The discussion on similar letters has already passed at the beginning of Surah Al-Baqarah.
The Persians have defeated the Romans.
In the nearer lands of Levant. The Romans, after their defeat will be vitorious over them again.
Within a time period not before three years and not after ten. To Allah belongs the command, prior to the Roman’s victory and after it. And on the day the Romans defeat the Persians, the believers will be happy. (Ar-Rum:1-4)
They, along with the Persians, were far more advanced than their Arabian neighbors could hope to become, without something unifying them and showing them the path out of their cycle of backwardness. (Fatooh Al-Buldan:89,90)
The Bedouins
The Arabs were, for the most part, divided into tribes, which could be further broken down into sub-tribes, tied together by blood. Each tribe typically governed themselves, with the eldest men in the tribe assuming the roles of leadership and mediation. They did not follow any particular political methodology; when a situation arose, the leaders would simply congregate and work out a solution together, granting more weight to the opinion of the eldest and those of higher status.
In the event of an attack from an outside enemy – usually another Arab tribe, as was quite common in the times of jahiliyyah – the entire tribe would band together to defend their people and homeland. Even during peacetime, they would train in horse-riding and weaponry to be ready to defend or attack with their tribes when called upon.
There were attempts by some tribes to turn their region into a kingdom, by appointing a king from their own men, but the attempts proved unsuccessful for one reason or another. (Muhadhrat fee Tareekh Al-Arab:1/158 As-Subhi As-Salih An-Nuzumul- Islamiah:50) .
Makkah and Madinah
Makkah was considered a sacred city even before Islam; people flocked there from all over Arabia to perform their own version of Hajj and other rituals. The inhabitants of Makkah were several tribes, the most important of whom were Quraish. Makkans were skilled tradesmen who traveled to different parts of Arabia for trade, including Yemen, Iraq, and even reaching the Levant. This is mentioned in the Qur’an: “For the accustomed security of Quraish, their protection during their trading caravans in the winter and the summer…” (Surah Quraish: 1-2) .
Because of the habit of the Quraysh and their acquaintance.
With travelling in the winter towards Yemen, and in the summer towards the Levant, in security.
They should worship Allah alone, who is the Lord of this sacred house. He is the one who has made these journeys easy for them. They should not ascribe any partners to Him.
The one who has fed them from hunger, and given them security from fear by placing reverence of the Haram and its inhabitants in their hearts. (al-Quraysh:1-4)
Their extensive travel experience, combined with their interaction with many different people in Makkah, granted them a wealth of cultural exchange which greatly benefited them. Makkah was generally under tribal rule, and the nobles and leaders would gather regularly to solve problems together, usually at the Ka`bah. Besides this they did not have much of a structure of governing like some of their neighbors to the north or south, and they rejected the notion of being under the rule of kingship. Perhaps this aversion to a structured rule of law was one of the factors that allowed oppression to become a norm in their society. (Ibn Hisham As-Seerah:1/244, Mahmood Shakir As-Seerah:33)
As for the region known today as Madinah, it was different in certain ways. Its inhabitants were primarily two Arab pagan tribes, as well as a few Jewish tribes, and there was plenty of conflict and tension between all parties. The two pagan tribes would go to war every so often, with plenty of encouragement from their neighbors, who benefited from their quarrels.
Al-Aws and al-Khazraj, the two pagan tribes, were ruled by tribalism, not unlike their Makkan counterparts. This type of mentality was very pervasive and, as you can imagine, not too conductive to a harmonious society. It also made it quite easy for their Jewish neighbors to take advantage of them and keep them busy with one another. Thus, they lived without any central government or social structure that would allow them to advance. The Jewish tribes in the region, however, were more organized and had some level of a structured society. ( Dr. Muhammad Ammarah, Al-Islam wa Falsafah-al-Hukm: 50)
Awaiting the Arrival of the Prophet
Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him and his children believed in only one God. He supplicated to Allah the Exalted, asking Him to guide his progeny to faith and worship, and he also prayed for the inhabitants of the Sacred House (i.e., the Ka`bah). His supplication is recorded in the Qur’an:
“Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall recite unto them Your Verses and instruct them in the Book (this Qur’an) and wisdom, and sanctify them. Verily! You are the All-Mighty, the AllWise.” (Surah al-Baqarah: 129)
They asked Allah to send a messenger to their offspring from the descendants of Ishmael, to recite the revealed verses of Allah to them and teach them the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and to purify them from worshipping others alongside Allah and from all evil. He is the Mighty in His essence, and the Wise in what He does and in His decrees.
No one turns away from the religion of Abraham, peace be upon him, to other ways of life except those who do not know their own worth, and are content with humiliation. God chose him as a messenger in this world and as a friend of God, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the righteous people who fulfilled what God required them to do, and so reached the highest levels. (al-Baqarah:129-130)
The Jews
The Jews who settled in Madinah and Khaybar were awaiting the arrival of the Final Messenger, in accordance with the prophecies of their Scripture(Ibn Hisham, As-Seerah:1/143)but when it became clear that it was Muhammad ﷺ, they rejected him. This is mentioned in the following verse:
“And when there came to them (the Jews), a Book from Allah confirming what is with them [the Torah and the Gospel], although aforetime they had invoked Allah (for coming of the Prophet) in order to gain victory over those who disbelieved, then when there came to them that which they had recognized, they disbelieved in it. So let the Curse of Allah be on the disbelievers.” (Surah al-Baqarah: 89)
The Qur’an came to them from Allah, agreeing with the universal true principles of the Torah and the Gospel. Before it was revealed, they used to say that they would be helped against the idolaters, who worship others alongside Allah, and would have success over them when a prophet was sent, since they would have faith in him and follow him. But when the Qur’an and Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to them, according to the description they recognised and the truth they knew, they disbelieved him. Allah curses those who disbelieve Him and His Prophet.
How miserable is what they accepted in exchange for their portion of faith in Allah and His messengers. They disbelieved what Allah revealed, and unjustly and enviously rejected His prophets, because He gave prophethood and the Qur’an to Muhammad (peace be upon him). For disbelieving in Muhammad (peace be upon him) and for distorting the Torah beforehand, they deserved anger upon anger from Allah. A humiliating torment on the Day of Judgement will meet those who disbelieved in the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him). (al-Baqarah:89-90)
Several narrations indicate that many Jews and their scholars recognized the signs in Prophet Muhammad ﷺ based on his description in their Scripture. Allah the Exalted said:
“Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write (i.e., Muhammad) whom they find written with them in the Torah and the Gospel…” (Surah al-A`raf: 157)
The ones just described are those who follow Muhammad (peace be upon him), the illiterate prophet who cannot read or write, and who is only inspired by His Lord. The name and description of the Prophet and what is revealed to him is to be found in the Torah, revealed to Moses (peace be upon him), and the Gospel, revealed to Jesus (peace be upon him). Muhammad instructed people to that which is good and right, and forbade those things that sound minds, those with a sound nature, know to be bad: allowing them the good food and drink and relationships which are not harmful, and making unlawful those things which are bad. He also removed the difficult commandments revealed as obligations to previous communities, such as having to kill the one who killed someone else accidentaly. Those who believed in him from among the Israelites and others, respecting and honouring him and helping him against the disbelievers who were his enemies, following the Qur’an which was revealed to him, they are the successful ones who will attain what they desire and attain safety from what they fear. (Al-A’raf:157)
In another verse: “Those to whom We gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognize him as they recognize their sons. But verily, a party of them conceal-the truth while they know it.” (Surah al-Baqarah: 146)
The scholars of the Jews and the Christians to whom Allah gave the scripture recognise Muhammad (peace be upon him) as completely as they recognise their own children and distinguish them from others. Nevertheless, a group of them hide the truth that has come to them, out of envy, fully aware that it is the truth.
This is the truth from your Lord, so make absolutely certain, O Messenger, that you are not one of those who doubt its truth.
Every nation has a direction they turn to, whether physically or spiritually. For this reason, there is a difference between them in their directions of prayer and in their sacred laws. There is nothing wrong with them facing different directions if it is by Allah’s command and law, so try to outdo each other, O believers, in doing the good actions that you have been instructed to do. Allah will bring you together from wherever you may be on the Day of Judgement, to reward you according to what you have done. Allah has power over all things. It is not difficult for Him to bring you all together and reward you. (al-Baqarah:146-148)
Many of those who rejected and even obstructed Prophet Muhammad ﷺ were certain that he was a prophet. Huyayy bin Akhtab and several other prominent Jewish leaders in Madinah knew that he was sent from Allah but still chose to be his enemy.
Some of the texts in the Torah that indicate the prophethood of Muhammad Peace be upon him and his emergence in Makkah still exist today. One such verse is the following:
“Blessed in the man whose strength is in thee in whose Heart are:the says of then passing through the valley of (Baca) make it well”(Psalms 89-5-76)
“And as for Ismael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him , and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princess shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. (Genesis 12:20)
Abul Al-Hasan Nadwi, As-Seerah:42, Jewish Encyclopedia: 9/589)
There are still some indications that remain in the verses of the Old Testament referencing the House of Allah in Makkah and the advent of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
For example: “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools” (Pslams 84: 5-6)
“And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation.” (Genesis 17:20)
“The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.” (Deuteronomy 18:15)
As well as: “I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”” (Haggai 9:7-9)
The Christians
Christianity was the dominant religion in Egypt, the Levant, and the Roman empire. Its presence in the Arabian Peninsula was mostly limited to the northern regions, and in Najran, which was the stronghold of Christianity in Arabia.
The Qur’an tells us that Prophet `Eesa peace be upon him informed his followers about the eventual arrival of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and commanded them to follow him.
Allah the Exalted said
“And (remember) when ‘Eesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), said: “O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah unto you confirming the Torah which came before me, and giving glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed. But when he (Ahmed i.e., Muhammad) came to them with clear proofs, they said: “This is plain magic.”” (Surah as-Saff: 6)
Remember, O Messenger, when Jesus son of Mary (peace be upon him) said: O Israelites, I am Allah’s messenger. He has sent me to you to confirm the Torah that was revealed before me. I am nothing new among the messengers. I have come to give the good news of a messenger who will come after me, whose name is Ahmad. When Jesus brought the evidence indicating his truthfulness to them, they said: ‘This is clear magic, and we will never follow you. (As-Saff:6)
An authentic narration collected by Bukhari details the story of the great Companion, Salman al-Farisi radhiyallahu anhu. While living in the Levant, he was informed by a Christian scholar that the time for the arrival of the Last Prophet had come, and that if he were to meet him he should follow him. The story continues with Salman radhiyallahu anhu being enslaved, serving a Jewish man living in Yathrib (i.e., presentday Madinah).
While there, he was able to hear the Prophet ﷺ speak, and he witnessed the sign of prophethood that the Christian scholars told him about, and this led to him accepting Islam and following Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
In the present day, many Christians accept Islam every year. Some of those who have embraced Islam in our era have dedicated time to research what was mentioned about Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in Christian scripture and books.
One such person is Ibrahim Khalil Ahmed, who used to be a Christian minister in Egypt before embracing Islam. He wrote a book in Arabic called “Muhammad in the Torah and the Gospel,” in which he mainly references the Bible, both the Old and New Testament.
He wrote: “The Bible contains some verses that very clearly point to the ‘Unlettered Messenger’ and his mission.” (Ahmed, I. K. Muhammad in the Torah and the Gospel, P:30 Mahdi Rizq-ul-Allah As-Seerah:1/132)
Note that there are verses in the Qur’an that tell us about those amongst the Jews and Christians who recognize Prophet Muhammad ﷺ due to the signs indicated in their respective Scriptures. One such verse is the following:
“Those to whom We gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognize him (Muhammad) as they recognize their sons. But verily, a party of them conceal the truth while they know it.” (Surah al-Baqarah: 146)
The scholars of the Jews and the Christians to whom Allah gave the scripture recognise Muhammad (peace be upon him) as completely as they recognise their own children and distinguish them from others. Nevertheless, a group of them hide the truth that has come to them, out of envy, fully aware that it is the truth. (al-Baqarah:146)
David Benjamin Keldani was a Catholic priest who converted to Islam by the grace of Allah, and adopted the name `Abd al-Ahad Dawud. He wrote a similar book titled “Muhammad in the Bible.”
A number of authors also wrote about the same topic, including the late Ahmed Deedat, a well-known South African preacher, who wrote the book “What the Bible Says About Muhammad.”
To date, it has been printed millions of times in English and Arabic, and read around the world.
Some verses from the Bible that indicate the arrival of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . All these verses point to the advent of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who will be of the descendants of Ismael peace be upon him, not Isaac as some of the Jews fabricated and altered in their books.
Likewise, it is narrated in the Gospel
“Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” (Matthew 21:42-44)
Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu anhu narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The similitude of me and the other prophets before me is that of a man who has built a house nicely and beautifully, except for one brick in a corner. The people go about the house and marvel at its beauty, but say: ‘Would that this brick be put in its place!’ I am that brick, and I am the last of the Prophets.” (Bukhari, chapter:18)
Strangely, the Bible commentary that I researched did not speak about the-person that is mentioned in the verse. Instead, the author simply spoke about the death of Christ and how it was for the sins of mankind. (The author references an Arabic Bible commentary titled ‘at-Tafsir at-Tatbiqi lil-Kitab alMuqaddas.’)
According to my research, the original word used in the Bible was ‘Periglytos,’i.e., one who is praised or praiseworthy (which translates to ‘Muhammad’ or ‘Ahmad’ in Arabic).
However, it was intentionally changed to ‘Paraclete’ i.e., one who consoles, in order to misdirect people from the obvious reference to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ which would lead them to the truth. (Abd al-Ahad Dawud Muhammad as He mentioned in the books of Jews and Christians:23)
Another verse in the Bible states: “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” (John, 16:13, English Standard Version)
Perhaps this is similar to what Allah the Exalted said in the Qur’an: “Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is only an Inspiration that is inspired.” (Surah an-Najm: 3-4)
He (may He be glorified) swore by the star when it descends.
Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Messenger of Allah did not deviate from the path of guidance nor did he go astray, but rather he is rightly-guided.
And he did not speak this Qur’an out of following his desires.
This Qur’an is nothing but a revelation which Allah revealed to him through the medium of Gabriel (peace be upon him) (an-Najm:1-4)
Other Bible verses foretell the coming of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, such as:
There are verses in the Gospel which correspond to the Hadith regarding the advent of the Prophet ﷺ
For example, in the Book of John: “But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause. But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.” (John 15:25-27)
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” (John 16:13)
Allah tells us in the Qur’an that the description of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his Companions is mentioned in the Torah and Gospel, and that the Jews and Christians can recognize them:
“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of (their) prostration (during prayers). This is their description in the Torah. But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, it then becomes thick, and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward.” (Surah al-Fath: 29)
*Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and his companions are strict against the combatant disbelievers and merciful, affectionate and friendly among themselves. O onlooker! You will see them bowing and prostrating, seeking from Allah that He grace them with forgiveness, a generous reward and that He becomes pleased with them. Their mark is on their faces as a result of prostrating in obedience to Allah. That is how they have been described by the Torah: the book that was revealed to Moses (peace be upon him). As for their mention in the Gospel which was revealed to Jesus, it is that they are likened in their assisting one another and perfection like crops that have emerged as small, then strengthened and stood straight up, pleasing the farmers with their strength and perfection. It is so that the disbelievers are angered by the strength, steadfastness and perfection they see within them. And Allah has promised those of the companions who have faith in Him and do good deeds forgiveness for their sins – they will not be taken to account over them, and a great reward from Himself i.e. Paradise* (Surah Al Fath:29)
Allah Azza Wa Jalla emphasizes in the Holy Quran that the descriptions of the Prophet ﷺ and his companions were foretold in the Torah and the Gospel and were well-known to the Jews and Christians. Allah said:
“Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of (their) prostration (during prayers). This is their description in the Taurat (Torah). But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, it then becomes thick, and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe (i.e. all those who follow Islamic Monotheism, the religion of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ till the Day of Resurrection) and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward (i.e. Paradise).” (Al-Fath, 29)
*Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and his companions are strict against the combatant disbelievers and merciful, affectionate and friendly among themselves. O onlooker! You will see them bowing and prostrating, seeking from Allah that He grace them with forgiveness, a generous reward and that He becomes pleased with them. Their mark is on their faces as a result of prostrating in obedience to Allah. That is how they have been described by the Torah: the book that was revealed to Moses (peace be upon him). As for their mention in the Gospel which was revealed to Jesus, it is that they are likened in their assisting one another and perfection like crops that have emerged as small, then strengthened and stood straight up, pleasing the farmers with their strength and perfection. It is so that the disbelievers are angered by the strength, steadfastness and perfection they see within them. And Allah has promised those of the companions who have faith in Him and do good deeds forgiveness for their sins – they will not be taken to account over them, and a great reward from Himself i.e. Paradise* (Surah Al Fath:29)
In the Book of Isaiah we see the verses:
“A prophecy against Arabia: You caravans of Dedanites, who camp in the thickets of Arabia, bring water for the thirsty; you who live in Tema, bring food for the fugitives. They flee from the sword, from the drawn sword, from the bent bow and from the heat of battle.” (Isaiah 21:13-15)
In my opinion, it seems that these verses are indicative of the Revelation to be received by the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him , the Arab Prophet, the subsequent wars between him and the Jews, and their eventual exit from the lands of Arabia during the era of Umar ibn Al-Khattab. And Allah knows best.
The era of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, and more specifically the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem, is also prophesized in the Gospel. In the Book of Matthew, we have the verse: “Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Matthew 21:5)
I believe this verse clearly describes Umar, for it is well known that he rode on-a donkey to Jerusalem after its official conquest by the Muslims. As he entered, the Jewish and Christian scholars acknowledged that his description was found in their texts, so perhaps this is one such verse.
Some scholars, such as Abdul-Ahad Dawud, have interpreted this verse to mean the Prophet’s migration to Madinah as opposed to Umar’s conquest of Jerusalem. Whatever the case may be, we have perfectly clear indications in the Hadith that the Muslims would conquer the lands of the previous revelations (i.e the Jews and Christians) and this is the actualization of the verse:
“And indeed We have written in Zabur (Psalms) [i.e. all the revealed Holy Books the Taurat (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel), the Quran] after (We have already written in) Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz (the Book, that is in the heaven with Allah), that My righteous slaves shall inherit the land (i.e. the land of Paradise).” (Al-Anbiya, 105)
I had indeed written in the books I revealed unto the messengers, after I had written it in the Preserved Tablet, that the earth would be ruled by the pious, obedient servants of Allah: they are the nation of Muhammad peace be upon him.
Verily, in the admonition I revealed, there is a message for those who worship their Lord according to what He has legislated for them. It is they who truly benefit from it.
O Muhammad! I have not sent you as a messenger, except as a merciful one to the whole of creation. This is because you are distinguished with aspiring for the guidance of all people and their safety from the punishment of Allah. (al-Anbiya:105-107)
The Zabur (Psalms) were revealed to Dawud (David) and recited among the Jews
It is mentioned in Isaiah:
“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or cry out or raise his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his teaching the islands will put their hope.” This is what God the Lord says the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols” (Isaiah 42:1-8)
Similar words are mentioned in Matthew 12:18. Some tried to interpret the verses as pertaining to `Isa but this is obviously not the case since they do not fit the Prophet `Isa at all. Rather, they are clear indications of the advent of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and match his descriptions in the Quran.
For example, in Deuteronomy:
“This is the blessing that Moses the man of God pronounced on the Israelites before his death. 2 He said: “The Lord came from Sinai and dawned over them from Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran.” (Deuteronomy 33)
The area of Paran is the Arabian Peninsula, specifically Makkah, in which revelation descended upon the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
These verses are similar to those in Surah At-Tin:
“By the fig, and the olive, By Mount Sinai, And by this city of security (Makkah).” (At-Tin, 1-3)
Allah takes an oath on the fig and the place it grows, and the olive and the place it grows: the land of Palestine where Jesus (peace be upon him) was sent as a Messenger.
And He takes an oath on Mount Sinai, near where Allah conversed intimately with Moses (peace be upon him).
And He takes an oath on Makkah, the sacred city which gives sanctuary to whoever enters it, and in which Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent as a Messenger.
Verily, I have created the human in the most balanced of ways and the best appearance. (At-Tin:1-3)
We find more indications that these verses point to the Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him and his advent in Makkah in Genesis in the story of Ibrahim and his family. The verses mention that Ibrahim left his family in the Desert of Paran and even mention the Well of Zamzam:
“The child grew and was weaned, and on the day Isaac was weaned Abraham held a great feast.
9 But Sarah saw that the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham was mocking,
10 and she said to Abraham, “Get rid of that slave woman and her son, for that woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac.”
11 The matter distressed Abraham greatly because it concerned his son.
12 But God said to him, “Do not be so distressed about the boy and your slave woman. Listen to whatever Sarah tells you, because it is through Isaac that your offspring[a] will be reckoned.
13 I will make the son of the slave into a nation also, because he is your offspring.”
14 Early the next morning Abraham took some food and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar. He set them on her shoulders and then sent her off with the boy. She went on her way and wandered in the Desert of Beersheba.
15 When the water in the skin was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes.
16 Then she went off and sat down about a bowshot away, for she thought, “I cannot watch the boy die.” And as she sat there, she[b] began to sob.
17 God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there.
18 Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.”
19 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.
20 God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer.
21 While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt.” (Genesis 21:8-21)
It is apparent that there have been many distortions in these verses but much truth still remains within them: the story of the Well of Zamzam in Paran (Makkah) and the description of Ismail and his mother Hagar. For example, we have the Hadith which coincides with these verses:
“The Prophet ﷺ happened to pass by a group of people who were having a shooting match. (Upon seeing them,) He said, “Shoot, O sons of (Prophet) Isma’il, for your father was an archer.” (Bukhari:3/227)
It is a definite fact that no individual ever claimed prophethood in the region of Paran/Makkah after the time of `Isa peace be upon him, for Allah protected the region from such a false claim until His true Messenger would appear.
After the advent of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, false prophets attempted to copy his claim in Yemen, Najd, and Yamamah. As for Makkah, Allah protected this holy land from such blasphemy both before and after the Prophet Muhammad.
We see yet another example in Habakkuk: “God came from Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran.[b] His glory covered the heavens and his praise filled the earth. His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden. Plague went before him; pestilence followed his steps. He stood, and shook the earth; he looked, and made the nations tremble. The ancient mountains crumbled and the age-old hills collapsed— but he marches on forever.” (Habakkuk 3-6)
And in Matthew: “And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.” (Matthew 11:14)
It is most likely that many of these verses explicitly mentioned the name “Muhammad” but were distorted over time by the People of the Book. This can be found in the controversial Gospel of Barnabas, along with a view of `Isa that is more in line with his reality (i.e that he was a Messenger of Allah and never preached that he was the Son of God) and teachings generally closer to those found in Islam.
How modern Western thinkers view the Prophet ﷺ
It was around the 18th century when European opinion of Prophet Muhammad became fairer and even favorable.
Rudensn Maxim mentions, “With the appearance of a number of European historians during the Renaissance in the 18thcentury, a clearer picture appeared – a picture of Muhammad the tolerant judge, the wise legislator.”
George Bernard Shaw mentions this shift of opinion and how Europe, despite their centuries long smear campaign against the Prophet ﷺ, began to understand who he was.
He says: “Only now did Europe begin to see the wisdom of Muhammad and live his religion. And so the Islamic faith shall be innocent of the false accusations of the medieval Europeans.”
Marcel Pourzar also notes how the truth regarding the Prophet Muhammad-and his religion manifested despite the false accusations.
He states: “Every detail regarding the Prophet Muhammad’s life has been previously recorded, shedding light on his entire life as we know it, down to the finest detail. The resulting picture left is the legacy left by the Prophet Muhammad in his great religion, despite the efforts of those who insist on smearing it. The Prophet Muhammad will not be remembered in history as simply another religious founder, rather he also established a political entity which changed the course of history and developed those under it in the most grandiose of ways.”
Eduard Perroy acknowledges that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the final Prophet and that the law he came with was, in fact, divine revelation that encompasses all aspects of life.
Perroy states: “Muhammad, the son of `Abdullah, the Arab Prophet and the Seal of Prophets, came to give glad tidings to the Arabs and the rest of the world of a new religion. He called to the statement ‘There is no [true] god except Allah, the One, the Only. In his call, faith and doctrine were inseparable from law, which was also derived from Divine Authority. It [Sharia law] does not only rectify religious affairs, rather it also rectifies the worldly affairs; it obligates charity upon the Muslim, warfare upon the enemies, and the spreading of this pure religion. When the Arab Prophet ﷺ dies in 632, he had completed his call, and in doing so completed the establishment of a social system far superior to the tribal customs that the Arabs had followed before Islam. He had also unified them into one strong entity, bringing the entire Arabian Peninsula into the fold of one solid religion; a feat never before accomplished.”
Leitner also defended the Prophet ﷺ and the fact that he received revelation, mentioning the numerous signs which indicate the truthfulness of his prophethood.
He says: “Based on what I know of the religions of Judaism and Christianity, I can say that the teachings of Muhammad were not derived from either. Rather, it is beyond a doubt that he, in fact, received revelation. With all due respect and humility, I say: his personal sacrifices, true nature of his goal, firm faith of heart, bright vision, and desire to erase misguidance and evil using the best of means are all clear indications of his prophethood and that he was, indeed, receiving revelation.”
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ wished to return Christianity to its true foundations as taught by `Isa peace be upon him, in contradiction to what was taught by Paul and which led to the splitting of the religion into many denominations.
The Prophet ﷺ hoped that the blessings of the Religion of Ibrahim peace be upon him would not be confined to his people alone. Instead, he wished this blessing would reach all people. And so, his just and moderate religion became the guiding light for billions who would have otherwise drowned in chaos and barbarism.
This is what many of the Western thinkers were drawn to, beginning with Tawhid (pure monotheism), the crown jewel of the teachings of Islam, and the main principle taught by all prophets.
Voltaire states: “The doctrine of Muhammad is free of any doubt or ambiguity, and the Quran is a renewal of the concept of monotheism.”
Rom Landau says: “Never did Muhammad during his days attribute divinity or supernatural ability to himself. On the contrary, he was keen to teach that he was simply a messenger chosen by God to relay what was revealed to him to the people.”
Arnold J. Toyubee reiterated the fact that the Prophet ﷺ taught pure monotheism, tying it to legislation and the systems of social authority and justice stating: “Muhammad devoted his life to fulfilling his message in these two spheres [the religious and legislative spheres of society] of the Arabic society. And this was fulfilled through the comprehensive structure brought by Islam which brought unity and authority.”
Washington Irving cites the Conquest of Makkah as proof that Muhammad ﷺ was the final prophet.
He says: “Muhammad was, in fact, the Seal of Prophets and the greatest of messengers sent by God calling the people to worship Him. The events following the Conquest of Makkah indicate that he was, in fact, a prophet sent by God. For he showed mercy and leniency in numerous instances, despite that he had now become powerful, but he chose to crown his victory and success with forgiveness and pardon.”
Some western thinkers were even bewildered that so much praise and acknowledgement of the Prophet Muhammad’s miraculous accomplishment could be paired with a lack of belief in his prophethood
Thomas Carlyle says: “It is a great embarrassment that anyone in this age can agree with the false claim that the religion of Islam is untrue and that Muhammad was a fabricator.”
Will Durant, the American historian, says: “It is widely known that Muhammad neither read nor wrote, and that he never wrote a single thing in his life. Yet, this did not come between him and his ability to fully learn the affairs of the people, an intimate knowledge that the most learned of people never reach. He was a most skilled leader, a shrewd politician who knew how to pave a road to peace after war. If we were to judge based on greatness, then Muhammad was of the greatest men in history.”
Other thinkers acknowledged the Prophet’s comprehensively exemplary-character, and how Europe fell short in producing such a leader.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe says: “As for us, the people of Europe in its-entirety, we have never accomplished what Muhammad accomplished. None can precede him. I have searched the annals of history for an example of the most exemplary human being and I found it in the Prophet Muhammad. Thus, it is obligatory for the truth to show its superiority, just as Muhammad succeeded, with the world humbling itself before the monotheism he came with.”
Gustave Le Bon, the French physician and historian, states: “If men were judged based on the greatness of their actions, then Muhammad is of the greatest men in history. Western scholars have only just begun to study his legacy objectively, after religious fanaticism blinded historians from seeing his virtues without bias. No feat is more impressive than Muhammad’s unification of the civil, military, and religious authorities under one banner during an era in which the Arabian Peninsula was completely divided. We cannot begin to understand the value of this accomplishment. Thereafter, the Arabs conquered the world within one century, before which they were disunited tribes similar to the Berbers, constantly warring with one another before the advent of Muhammad.”
Etienne Dinet also praises the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his exemplary personality stating: “The personality exhibited by Muhammad can only be described as supernatural. It had such a profound effect wherein it left its strong imprint in his laws bringing innovation and reform wherever it went.”
European writers have also been awed by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Jacques Augustin Berque writes: “There is no doubt that the religion of Islam, for which the Creator chose Muhammad to relay, was worthy of Muhammad and Muhammad was worthy of it.
This awe led many of them to acknowledge his Prophethood and revelation,as previously mentioned.
Clement, the French scholar, states: “Muhammad was not a normal Prophet. He is truly worthy of being the Seal of Prophets. If the Muslims truly took their Prophet as a role model in spreading his call, the whole world would become Muslim.”
Western scholars were also thoroughly impressed with the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ dealings with followers of other faiths, and Christians in particular.
George Bernard Shaw says: “I have studied Muhammad for he was an amazing man. I have found that he was far from exhibiting any animosity to Jesus. Instead, he must be called the savior of humanity. Europe has only just begun to understand the creed of monotheism and its ability to solve its problems in a way that would result in its happiness and well-being. If we judged greatness based on the ability to effect people, then we would have to say that Muhammad, the Prophet of the Muslims, was the greatest man ever. He has defied the slander and fabrications produced against him, and established a clear and powerful religion over Jews, Christians, and followers of the old religion of his land able to last until today with strength and greatness. History does not contain any man besides Muhammad who carried such a message and built such a unified nation, which was unified by the strength of its religion.”
Some Christians also noted the position which the Prophet Muhammad  ﷺ had regarding `Isa peace be upon  him and the respect given to him in the Quran and the Sunnah.
The orientalist Louis Pierre Sedillot says: “The studies of history have-produced that the miraculous success of the unknown nation previously confined in the corner of Asia, which rose to the highest position and stamped its name in all corners of the world for seven centuries; the source of its success was one man: Muhammad.”
Lady E. Cobold, who accepted Islam and visited Madinah, recorded her impressions saying: “Before Muhammad ﷺ, the Arabs were a nation of no importance and whose tribes and societies presented no significance. After Muhammad came, he revived this nation in a miraculous fashion, after which they conquered the world and ruled for centuries.”
(Al-Husaini Mu’addi, Ar-Rasool Fee Uyoon Ghair Munsifah, P:105,175,147,170,154,127,128, 167 Ammad-ud-Deen Khalil, Dirasah Fee As-Seerah:225)